Temporary Custody Order Mistakes Parents Make

Divorce, separation or the termination of an informal relationship that includes a child or children can be an emotionally charged time, so you need to consider how you can avoid some common child custody mistakes parents make. This guide will help you.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity for Bonding
As a parent, one of the biggest issues you could face is missing the opportunity to spend time with your child. You want to take advantage of every opportunity for custody time available. If you fail to spend quality time with your child you could damage your relationship with the child and possibly place yourself at a disadvantage should you wind up in custody litigation.
Don’t Put Your Own Needs First
One of the biggest mistakes parents make is to not put the needs of the child first. Regardless of your feelings for your former spouse or former partner, your child should be the most important person in your life.
Don’t Relocate Without Following the Rules
If you want to take your child on an out-of-town trip, notify the other parent before you go. If you want to make a permanent move to another jurisdiction, there are rules that govern how and when you are permitted to do this. If you ignore the rules, you could damage your ability to relocate with the child.
Pay Your Child Support
If the court ordered you to pay child support, even temporarily, you are legally obligated to pay it regardless of how often you are able to see your child. Even if you disagree with the order, you must pay it. You may be able to modify the order in the future under the right circumstances.
Not only does paying child support keep you from violating the order and being subject to serious consequences, but it also demonstrates that you are a responsible parent who puts your child’s needs first.
Hire an Attorney
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not hiring an attorney at the outset of your case. A family law attorney helps you avoid the mistakes we have listed, as well as others we don’t discuss here. If you try to go it alone, a lawyer may not be able to fix the mistakes that have occurred before he or she is retained.
The team at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. is skilled at handling child custody cases. Call us today to discuss your case.