What’s The Difference Between Temporary And Permanent Protection From Abuse Orders?

If you are having issues with your spouse or your romantic partner, you might be considering a seeking a protection from abuse order. This is commonly referred to as a “PFA.”
The most qualified individual to explain these matters is an experienced family law attorney in Pennsylvania. These legal professionals are familiar with protective from abuse orders, and they can go through the various options with you in a clear, concise manner. During your initial consultation, you can also discuss any other legal issues that might be pertinent, including potential divorce actions.
Emergency Orders Give You Protection Right Away
If you are in imminent danger, you’ll want to obtain an emergency order. Thankfully, this is not difficult to achieve. Your first step when a situation is occurring is to immediately call the police. Your safety is paramount and should be your first concern. The police department may advise you to go to the local magistrate, who can issue an emergency order. This emergency order typically lasts until the next business day of the court.
Ideally, you will want to immediately proceed to court before your emergency order expires, at which point you can obtain an ex parte temporary PFA. The defendant will not be notified until after the temporary protective order is granted.
The court will schedule a final hearing for you to pursue a final PFA. In this situation, both you and the defendant may have to testify in court and explain what happened. If the judge believes that you meet the criteria, he or she will grant a final PFA
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
Our dedicated Pittsburgh divorce attorneys at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. can help you with your family law case. Over the years, we have helped numerous individuals obtain protection from abuse orders and achieve safety. We know how important it is to act in an efficient, expedited manner in this situation. With our help, you can deal with toxic, abusive, and dangerous relationships while pursuing your options for divorce or separation. Schedule your consultation today, and we can help you go over all of your legal options.